New Ideas Presented At EIG Start-Up Launch Pad

Sep 15, 2009

The Start-Up Launch Pad was a fun session where four startups had to pitch their ideas.

The Start-Ups were:

  • Tailorbet offers an automated, peer-to-peer service that allows customers to create customised bets on anything statistically quantifiable in sports, with or without odds.

  • USM is developing new casino software technology that will challenge current business models and offer an alternative to gaming operators.

  • Jacky Betting from Sweden is bringing a new proposition for sports pools with a strong social media context.

  • MasterGrinders is a French start-up developing an innovative, community-based, consumer facing affiliate platform for mass-multitable poker players.

I had two favourites USM and MasterGrinders, especially USM with mulitplayer slots were fun to see. They seem to have put a lot of effort into designing a nice product which some of the others had missed.

The expert panel asked the companies questions especially regarding business models and how the Start-Ups saw their product as unique compared to what is on the market today.

I believe I have a great idea or a start-up, maybe you’ll see me among the Start-ups next year 


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