You Need To Take Care Of Your Players!

Apr 25, 2018

Today both Kindred and Betsson released their results for the first quarter of 2018. It is interesting to see that both companies makes pretty good money but their growth isn’t that great.

The number of active customers for Betsson were 607,785 players in Q1 2018 compared to 607,333 in Q1 2017. Just an increase by 452 players!

For Kindred the numbers are better but still not great, in Q1 2018 they had 1,383,201 players compared to 1,232,915 in Q1 last year. An increase by 150,286 players where a number of player came with acquisitions.

What I found even more interesting was that Betsson have 13,3 million registered players, and Kindred have 22,5 million registered players. So only 5-6% of their registered players are active. This is a really low number.

It would be interesting to dig deep into finding reasons to why the other 94-95% haven’t been playing. There can be a dozen reasons, but I believe that not just focusing on attracting new players but instead make a greater effort to keep the existing players coming back is the way to go!


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